Each semester the KOPS Advisory Committee gathers important safety reminders to share with the 赌钱app可以微信提现 community.
Prepare for Extreme Heat
Kansas summer is in full swing, and with that comes the potential for extreme heat! Stay safe this summer with these tips from the CDC on how to stay cool, stay hydrated and stay informed. Learn about the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and what to do about them. If you experience a heatstroke while on campus, or severe symptoms of other heat-related illnesses, call 913-469-2500 for assistance. If you are off campus, call 911.
Other 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police & Safety Resources
Curious about other ways 赌钱app可以微信提现 keeps our people safe on and off campus? Check out a few of our other resources.
Available to the Public
For many of us, summertime means vacations and summer road trips. It’s time to review these summer driving safety tips. A little planning and some safety checks might spare you from dealing with the consequences of a breakdown — or worse, a highway crash.
Prepare Your Vehicle
As the temperature rises, your A/C has to work harder to keep your vehicle cool. Check A/C performance before traveling. A lack of air conditioning on a hot summer day affects everyone, but is particularly dangerous for people who are in poor health or who are sensitive to heat, such as children or older adults.
High summer temperatures accelerate the rate at which rubber belts and hoses degrade. Look under the hood and inspect all belts and hoses to make sure there are no signs of bulges, blisters, cracks or cuts in the rubber. It’s best to replace them now if they show signs of obvious wear. While you’re at it, make sure all hose connections are secure.
Prevent Vehicular Heatstroke
The summer months have proven to be especially deadly for children when it comes to vehicular heatstroke. Heatstroke in vehicles often occurs when a child is left alone in a parked vehicle or manages to get into an unattended vehicle. Never leave children alone in the car—not even for a few minutes. Vehicles heat up quickly. Even if the outside temperature is in the 70s and the windows are cracked, the temperature in a vehicle can rapidly reach deadly levels. A child’s body temperature rises 3-5 times faster than an adult’s.
Summer Travel Tips
- Plan your trip in advance, allowing plenty of time for delays. Make sure you are well rested and comfortable with your route. Obtain construction zone locations and weather-related road conditions.
- Buckle your seat belt and properly secure children in safety seats or booster seats.
- Watch the weather. Prepare for swiftly changing Kansas weather conditions. Adjust your speed and following distance to other vehicles as conditions dictate. Wet roads can be just as slick as those covered in snow or ice.
- Drive defensively and courteously. Assume another driver’s mistakes are not personal. Be polite and courteous, even if the other driver is not. Avoid all conflicts if possible. If another driver challenges you, take a deep breath and get out of the way.
- If you break down, get your car as far onto the shoulder as possible and activate your 4-way flashers. Stay with your vehicle, lock your doors, and let your windows down a little.
- If you have a cell phone, you can dial *47 (*HP) for the nearest Highway Patrol dispatcher or *KTA on the Kansas Turnpike for assistance.
Source: Kansas Highway Patrol

Guardian is a free smartphone application that allows you to improve your personal safety both on and off campus. When you download the Guardian app onto your phone (directions below) and provide your stumail or employee email account, the Guardian app allows you to:
- Call 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police using one button
- Text 赌钱app可以微信提现 Campus Police
- Share your safety status with loved ones
- Give emergency responders easy access to critical medical information, emergency contacts, and vehicle information
Other 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police & Safety Resources
Curious about other ways 赌钱app可以微信提现 keeps our people safe on and off campus? Check out a few of our other resources!